Annual 2018-2019, Blog Hop, Designer Series Paper, Embossing, Sweet Stampede Blog Hop

Sweet Stampede Blog Hop #005: Anything Goes

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Hello Friend,

Welcome to another Sweet Stampede Blog Hop! We are on our 5th hop and this theme is Anything Goes! Our team blog hop is always open to anyone on our team that has a blog or even a Facebook page. So enjoy hopping along through some fun cards this month!

This week on my blog and Facebook page I’m focusing on designer series paper that is apart of the Buy 3, Get 1 Free promotion. I love using Designer Series Paper on my projects!


My card starts with a Thick Whisper White card base. I picked out this pattern from the Nature’s Poem Designer Series Paper and cut it down to 3″ by 4″.

Next I decided to use Crushed Curry since I thought it looked good with the Soft Suede in the designer series paper. It’s cut to 4″ by 5 1/4″. I ran it through the Big Shot using the Pinewood Planks Dynamic Texture Impressions embossing folder. I adhered it to the card using liquid multipurpose glue.


My designer series paper was getting lost over the Crushed Curry so I decided to add a mat around it. I used Basic Black card stock and cut it to 3 1/4″ by 4 1/4″ and distressed the edges just using my Paper Snips.

I layered the designer series paper down to the basic black with liquid glue then added it to the card with Stampin’ Dimensionals.


Time for a sentiment. I pulled out this Wood Words stamp set to work with and thought the chicken was kind of funny. So I stamped it in Crushed Curry ink onto Whisper White. Then I took the sentiment Hello Friend and stamped it in Memento ink. I punched it out with the Pretty Label Punch.

I added it to the card with Stampin’ Dimensionals. I then added some linen thread in a double strand bow. I used a glue dot to adhere it down.


Last I knew it still needed a hint of something and to me it usually ends in bling! This time I used the black Faceted Dots. They added just enough of a different texture to complete the card.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed my card today. It was a fun one to create. I think the layout is becoming a go to lately! I hope you hop on through to the other ladies and enjoy their projects as well. Use the next button below to hop over to Heather’s blog. She has created a card with beautiful colors!

Blog Hop

Welcome to another Sweet Stampede Blog Hop! This month’s theme is Anything Goes! This allowed us to use any of the products in our new annual catalog! I hope you enjoy hopping through.

1. Britney Vanderlaan
2. Heather Guerrero
3. Lisa Cunningham
4. Trisha Magnus


Here’s the supplies I used to create the card. You can always switch out colors and sentiments to create a different feel. If you have any questions please let me know. If you need help ordering just hit the contact me button below to send me an email

Product List

I am giving away these Glitter Enamel Dots for orders in July! If you use the hostess code below and have a minimum order of $40 I will send you a pack! They are just gorgeous! The colors are Gorgeous Grape, Melon Mambo, Lemon Lime Twist and Coastal Cabana (my fave)!!


If you order please use my Hostess Code so I can send you a thank you gift. If your order is over $150 please don’t use the code, just find me as your demonstrator so you can get the Stampin’ Rewards because you deserve them! I will still send you a thank you gift!

Hostess Code: PKMY4HAV

If you would like a catalog, live in the US and, don’t already have a demonstrator please contact me and I will send you one!

Shop NowContact Me

Have a great Tuesday!

Keep Stampin’

Britney Vanderlaan

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